Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It Is Done

Like each year before it, this year has been marked with good and bad; it has been striated with lines of heart wrenching despair as well as events of pure joy.  Death has walked through the halls of family and friends alike.  The jubilant arrival of newborns awakened the goofy voices and faces in us as we tickled wriggling toes, reaching fingers and laughed at toothless smiles.  The unexpected has alternatively dropped kicked us in the chest with the force of a well-trained assassin and tapped us lightly on the shoulder with the gentleness of a pudgy toddler’s finger in the middle of the night. 

I thank the Lord for the strength to stand in front of the firing line of life, for the proverbial cigarette and the choice to wear the blindfold or to look life right in the eye and say FIRE!   It’s not that I am daring darkness to befall me; it’s not that I am bragging of blessings; but I am stating clearly that all that I have and am is because of the grace of God.  All that I have survived, and all that I am going through and will fight through is because of the grace of the Almighty.  I am so thankful for this year, 2013; thankful that it has come and that it is just about gone.  I am also exceedingly grateful to be able to turn the corner into the new one.  Here’s to hoping that we all are blessed to fill 2014 with a deeper conviction to live and love together for the greater peace and good of our own wellbeing and for all mankind, through a walk of united faith and trust.

A new chance, a new time, a new year for the Life of You.

<3 Always & Peace ∞
CAG 12312013

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