Friday, March 15, 2013

Channeling Peace

Channeling an armor of peace to get me through today.  Just reading up on the news is a sign of a world spiraling in chaos.
May YOU find a moment of peace to latch onto and get you through the day; past the irate and unreasonable; past the miserable and hate filled; past the loneliness and grief; past the sadness and pain; past the obstacles of life...

There is hope and peace to be found.  I find mine by taking to my knees in prayer. May you find yours in a way that fills you with light.

Find HOPE for the PEACE of YOU
<3 Always & Peace Forever
- CAG 03152013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Blessings of Bonds

I came across this FB post this morning - I wrote it back in 2011 and wanted to share it again today...

Blessings...abound. Where are they? They’re everywhere! Take last night for instance. I saw them in the faces of my family and friends - those I see everyday and those that I maybe only see once in awhile. Blessings…abound. I even see them when I think fondly of those I don't see as often as I should, or in the memory of those who have passed on. I see them in my friends both near and far. I hear them through the words we share. In the letters, emails and texts we write to each other. bonds with my family; my bonds with my friends, they are tight, strong and everlasting. Even tenuous bonds created in the exploration of new relationships are blessings. The beautiful thing is that it costs nothing to deepen your bond…you do that by sharing love. Bonds are like the thick braids of shipping rope, the strands are many and coiled tightly, repeatedly; intertwined to form a rope that can be thick as a forearm or as thin as the finger. The rope’s size and strength varies upon its need.

Familial and friendship bonds are strengthened with a call, a visit, a letter…I know there are bonds that I need to strengthen, as I’ve been remiss with some people I love dearly. I know I’m going to have to be more diligent in strengthening my bonds. There are bonds that I have which are so strong that they make me float in joy every day. Others, well there are others I need to work on. To be honest, there may even be a few that I need to cut. But that is for another post. This one is about the bonds that build up and empower you.
How about you? Who are you bonded with? Do they feel the bond you share? Strengthen your bonds…and watch the blessings for everyone intertwined in that bond grow.
- C. A. Griffin

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday's Missive - March 9 2013:
It used to be that one of the things I craved most was to sleep in; to sleep past ten in the morning and maybe roll out of bed in time for lunch.

Now, I wake up at 6:00 am EVERYDAY and not simply because I HAVE to but because I WANT to. I want to squeeze all the time I can out of each day. Is it because I'm older? Maybe, but I think it's because I know that each day is a gift that I want to unwrap and enjoy while I can. I want to truly live each day.

I want to savor the laughter, the smiles - no matter how few of them there may be due to a difficult circumstance. I want to cherish the heartfelt moments of uniting with work-family, church-family and blood family. I want to celebrate each day.

I want to shed the tears of sadness and feel the solace offered through a kind word, a touch, an embrace. Yes, I want this too because I cannot avoid them, I must go through them, live them and heal from them - no matter how slowly or painful it maybe. I don't have a choice, so let me mourn and remember and heal. I want to heal a little more each day.

I want to pray the prayer of gratitude; the prayer for strength and peace, the prayer for divine intervention; the prayer for unity and enlightenment. I want to pray each day.

I want to truly live each day.

 LIVE TRULY for the Life of You.
  Always & Peace Forever