Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

VENTING - there are all kinds of stupid in our society. They're sickening individuals, who are vicious with their worthless two-cents of racist actions and incendiary commentary; spewing garbage and wounding good people with their vitriol.  Worse, it seems that they can be infectious. They insinuate their hatred, bigotry and racism into their offspring, who if they had been removed from such negative surroundings would have the possibility to become fair minded and caring souls. 
I, for one, will continue to hope for better behavior from some of these people as life circumstances, fate or divine intervention will change the course of their narrow minded thinking and set them on a path to further the advancement of peace and understanding for all, thus negating some of their tawdry past. 
However, there is a tribe amongst our kind, a genetic offshoot of homo sapiens that I will going forward dub the Moronic Tribe or Homo Sapiens Moronicus; who I fear will never see the error of their ways and who are so full of evil intent that I believe that they are nothing short of being the spawn of Satan himself.  It is my hope that their lineage withers, and that God and nature removes from them the ability to procreate.  It is my deep seated wish that their handiwork is over come with all the love, peace and understanding that those of us who are of common positive light can muster.  Only then does this planet and all of its people, animals and flora have a chance of living out their days in harmony.
In short, stupid is as stupid does.

Don’t vote stupid into political seats of power.  Don’t entertain stupid and don’t be entertained by stupid.  Keep your minds, schools and libraries open.  Avoid eating the food of the stupid (GMOs) and vigilantly watch for stupid in all that you do.

That is all. Mindless rant over.

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