Sunday, March 15, 2015

Live for the Life of You

That time when so many things need to be said.
The time when so many things need to be done.
The moment when so many things cry for your attention
and all you want is calm.

The second when you're about to lay down.
The minute when you've just sat at the table to eat.
Just when you were about to unwind.
And you find that you're needed elsewhere.

That is the heart beat of life.
Don't deny it. Let it have its time.
Let it pulse withe love.
And breathe with peace

Let it sing with glory
and scream with anger.
Let it dance with joy
and wail with sorrow.

Do not deny it.
For to deny it means that you don't know how to live.
<3 Always & Peace 
03142015 CAG

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